
Tonight I am off to the opening night of an unusual exhibition. On Red Lion Lane in Exeter is Exeter Art Spaces, where one of the directors is Ruth, a good friend of Jim’s from art school.

It was a little like visiting a final exhibition for an A-level or University course. The variety was huge, but so was the standard, ranging from GCSE standard daubs, through to some really well formed sculptures.

I weigh 194.7lbs

I am having a poo

I weigh 193.5lbs.

A boy who went to school with my sister was there – I must remember to tell her. Also, there is a man in town who I see quite often who looks like a chap I served with in 1RHA. He looks enough like him that, the first time I saw him, I approached him with a hearty ‘hey-ho there Kitkat!’ and, on the strength of this, have greeted him ever since.

It is nice to know that he has a real name, which is Sam.

I weigh 196.4lbs

I am having a poo

I weigh 194lbs

The highlights for me were Adrian Scragg’s work, which Jim tells me I am not allowed to buy until I put up a picture rail, a splendid piece of celebrity art which was priced at >£60,000 and made me chuckle for some time, and some rather splendid little sculpted ‘stones’ by a gentleman called Rolf who seemed a little put out that anyone exhibited who was not in the studio every single day and thus presumably was unemployed.

Oh, and the giant stainless steel head must get a mention as well, so: 3.6lbs of poo and a goodly load of art.


Here’s an updated version of the Bert image from Tuesday:

3 thoughts on “Art!

  1. It was the big one wrapped around the white-walled room like a…. Cunningly disguised as a print of a tree trunk, but I think we all know what he meant.


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